Cameroonian national debating championship

The Cameroonian inaugural debating tournament will be hosted in August 7, 2010 will be a wonderful opportunity for young university student to discover and experience international debating formats and speaking techniques as well as opportunities and benefits of debating. On the beautiful campus of the University of Buea, students across the country will engage in one week competition, training and discovery.

The debate format and the motion:

The inaugural national tournament will follow the rules of Karl Popper debate (two teams of three debaters each with cross-examination). A different motion will be used for each round of debate. Participants will debate controversial issues facing the Cameroon and African societies, international and global challenges, government policies and plans, health, integration, economic issues. The motion will be presented to the debaters one hour prior to the beginning of each debate
Trainings and workshops
More time will be allocated to trainings as students in Cameroon are new to formal debating and debate formats. The trainings will feature debate techniques and formats, argumentation and public speaking, leadership. A judging workshop will also be conducted before the tournament start
A certificated will be presented to every debater who advances to an elimination round
Awards will be presented to:
The best team
Best speakers (English, French, Bilingual)
The best judge
Talented debaters will be selected to represent Cameroon to upcoming international debate tournaments.
Debater entry
Any regularly enrolled student in a tertiary institution in Cameroon is eligible to apply for participation in the tournament. The participation fee is 25 000 Fcfa per team (3 debaters) and 10 000 Fcfa for individual participants and observers.

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