Final Cameroon Debate Academy 2012

Debate - WUDC - United States of Africa - Final Cameroon Debate Academy 2012 from Alfred Snider on Vimeo.

This is the final round of the Cameroon Debate Academy 2012.
Motion: This House would welcome a United States of Africa.
1st Prop: Sister Marceline and Chongwain Fidelis
1st Opp: Ariane and King
2nd Prop: Lionel and Christine
2nd Opp: Nico and Fubienko
The winner was 1st Prop on a unanimous decision. 2nd Prop was named as second place.
The Cameroon Debate Academy took place at the Catholic University of Cameroon in Bamenda (CATUC), Cameroon, July 16-21 2012. It was sponsored by CATUC, the World Debate Institute and the Cameroon Debate Association. For more information,

1 commentaire:

  1. Beau site
    Visitez aussi le site officiel du projet 100%Jeune!!!
