World Debate Institute to deliver training in Cameroon

WDI be in Cameroon July 15-22 to offer the Cameroon Debate Academy in cooperation with the Catholic University of Cameroon at Bamenda. Over 100 university students will engage in intensive WUDC debate training followed by a tournament. Thanks to Dr. Emmanuel Tange for his hard work in coordinating this event. WDI director Alfred Snider will be joined by Cornell University debate coaches Paul Gross (recently named a WDI Fellow) and Joe Damiba, and the Director of Cameroon Debate Association Marius Binyou Bi Homb. This event follows up on a very successful preparatory training the university previously did for over 80 students.

Here is the schedule of the event. Like most debate academies, the program is a combination of short lectures, small group exercises, practice debates with critiques and elective offerings followed by a tournament.


Sunday 15 July 2012
Faculty arrival and orientation

Monday 16 July 2012
9 AM Welcome and Introductions
9:30 AM Orientation to the program
10:15 AM Introduction to the format
11 AM Demonstration debate (faculty plus select students)
Noon Discussion
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Lecture: Public Speaking Basics
2 PM Exercises in small groups: Public Speaking
3:30 PM Lecture: Argument Building and Structure
4:15 PM Exercises: Argument Building
5:30 PM Mini-debate
6:15 PM Critique of Mini-debates
9 PM Open Forum – questions and answers - voluntary

Tuesday 17 July
9 AM Lecture: Argumentation
9:45 AM Exercises: Argumentation
10:45 AM Announce motion for Debate #1 (easy motion)
11 AM Debate #1
12 PM Critique of Debate #1
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Lecture: Motion Analysis
2:30 PM Exercises: Motion Analysis
4 PM Announce motion for Debate #2
4:30 PM Debate #2
5:30 PM Critique of Debate #2
9 PM Open Forum

Wednesday 18 July
9 AM Lecture: Using Preparation Time
9:45 AM Exercises: Preparation Time
10:45 AM Announce Motion for Debate #3
11 AM Debate #3
12 PM Critique of Debate #3
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Lecture: Refutation
2:15 PM Exercises: Refutation
4 PM Announce Motion for Debate #4
4:30 PM Debate #4
5:30 PM Critique of Debate #4
9 PM Open Forum

Thursday 19 July
9 AM Lecture: Points of information
9:45 AM Exercises: Points of Information
10:45 AM Announce Motion for Debate #5
11 AM Debate #5
12 PM Critique of Debate #5
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Elective Period 1
2:45 PM Elective Period 2
4 PM Announce Motion for Debate #6
4:30 PM Debate #6
5:30 PM Critique of Debate #6
9 PM Open Forum

Friday 20 July
9 AM Roll Call and Debater Briefing
9:30 AM Tournament Debate 1
11:30 AM Tournament Debate 2
1 PM Lunch
2:30 PM Tournament Debate 3
4:30 PM Tournament Debate 4
9 PM Open Forum

Saturday 21 July
9 AM Roll Call
9:30 AM Tournament Debate 5
11:30 AM Tournament Debate Quarterfinals
1 PM Lunch
2:30 PM Tournament Debate Semifinals
4:30 PM Tournament Debate Finals
5:30 PM Awards and Farewells

Sunday 22 July

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